Millions of hemp enthusiasts will be flocking to websites and videos in search of product reviews and answers to general queries on the benefits, effects, of several cannabinoids and products types for themselves and their pets. It’s an opportune time to get into the business as a Utoya affiliate.

We value ‘word of mouth’ so much that we’ve put together a generous affiliate (referral) program. Which means, every time you refer a customer our way, we’ll pay you 15% percent of the sale.
  • Cash Out is at $500.00
  • Use Earned Commissions valued at less than $500 towards products in store.
  • Payout & Coupon code requests are sent to:
Our marketing strategy is a bit ‘unique’ in that we prefer to put money in our customers’ pockets. 
When you sign up for our referral program, you can literally start earning extra income in just a few minutes. Your friends and colleagues will thank you – and so will we.
You can join our affiliate program and start earning money today!

Affiliate Reviewers

Affiliate reviewers will, from time to time, and at random, receive a select or small selection of products to review. Utoya pays for the product and this shipping. Once you get the product, you will be expected to provide a review on the product. 

Follower / Subscriber counts are requirement per platform..

How not to make medical claims without ruining your story:

  1. Don’t say that your results will be the same for someone else.
  2. Don’t say that this is a cure, a treatment, or a pharmaceutical. A great way to say this, is This is what I have used in lieu or in combination with traditional or modern medicine and have had the following results with my Utoya products.
  3. Don’t promise someone reading or watching your reviews that they will be healed. A great way to put this is: I have experienced the following benefits with these products, and maybe you can too!
  4. Don’t diagnose or treat people in your comments. In other-words, on your content, you will likely have people approach you with “I have _____ and I am _____ feet tall and weigh ____.” or something similar. Some people pour out their whole medical record in public posts. So please, refrain from saying “You should use ____ for _____.”. A better way of approaching this is simply saying “I’m not a doctor, but I’d like to help you the best I can. I used ______ for ______ and I had the following results. Perhaps you could try this for yourself. But of course, for the best information, you can reach out to the company and consult your doctor. All kinds of things interact so it’s best to be safe!

In short, be relative, but don’t put yourself in a position where you’re suddenly giving medical advice to people on the internet. Whether you feel you know for sure or know the person very well, it doesn’t bode well for your content to do this, and it reflects on us as well. Please be safe, be smart, and when in doubt ask them to reach out to us with their questions and we will help them out from there!

YouTube Affiliate Reviewers

Due to how the market is, we are highly selective of our video reviewers.

Reddit Affiliate Reviewers

Reddit operates with several rules in several communities, and as such, we need to ensure that our redditor affiliates are familiar with the platform.

Instagram Affiliate Reviewers

Instagram has a billion profiles and oddly enough, profiles with zero posts can end up with over 1000 followers for no reason at all. We need to make sure you’re actually a reviewer on this platform.

Website Owner Affiliates

Individual blogs can generate a lot of great traffic, but there are a lot of factors that make or break this deal. SEO is highly important to us and so is having a clean and authentic, modern website.

Request A Review To Become an Affiliate Reviewer

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