THCJD Everything You Need To Know

What is THCJD?

THCJD stands for Tetrahydrocannabioctyl, and labs will refer to this cannabinoid as 3-octyl-Δ8-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ8-THC-C8). 

Don’t let the long name keep you occupied, the short form of this, is that THCjd is a similar structure to Delta 9 THC, with a long tail. Not unlike THCP.


THCJD Effects - What are they?

THCjd is thought to be about 18 – 19 times more potent than Delta-9 THC (the medical cannabis  cannabinoid), however it is not validated in the same way the potency for THCP is measured to be at 30 times more potent.

Much like THCP, THCJD has a fairly long-lasting effect. However, different from THCP, THCjd seems to provide a more mentally stimulating effect. It’s got a good body-based buzz like an Indica, with an uplifted mindset like a Sativa, where you might just find this to be a very nice hybrid.

To understand exactly what THCJD effects are, it is best to understand the science behind what it is.

How is THCjd like Delta 9 THC?

THCjd is a homolog of Delta 9 THC.

Homologs share the same functional group and similar chemical properties. A homolog is a molecule with a very similar structure and function to another molecule.

The functional group in a molecule is known to undergo the same or very similar chemical reactions. This occurs regardless of the rest of the composition of the molecule.

To summarize, “homologs” is a term used to describe compounds that belong to a series of compounds, and only differ from each other by a repeating unit. In this case, the repeating unit is the tail. 

Delta 8, THCP, THCB, THCH, and THCM are also homologs of Delta 9 THC.

THCJD: Size Matters

THCjd (Tetrahydrocannabioctyl) has an octyl chain. Octyl derived from the word “Octa”, which means “eight”, or “having eight”.

This refers to THCjd’s 8-carbon sidechain. 

  • The size and shape of the molecule greatly influence the effects of that cannabinoid.

For reference, Delta 9 THC and CBD both contain 5 carbon atoms attached to the alkyl side chain of the molecules.

A common trend in these cannabinoids seems to be that the Increasing the length of the carbon chain seems to vastly increase the potency of THC. 

Each addition to the alkyl side chain is like adding extra boosters to the THC potency, thus playing a crucial role in the way we experience the effects of cannabinoids. 

Cannabinoids bind with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in our bodies using this side chain.

If you think of each side chain as a level of power, you would consider Delta 9 a level 5, whereas THCP is a level 7, and THCJD is a level 8. The level difference is significant between Delta 9 to THCjd.

In conclusion, it’s considerably stronger than traditional Delta 9 THC.

Is THCjd Legal?

THCjd is in good legal standing, as it does not violate the 0.3% Delta 9 THC law as described in the Hemp Farm Bill of 2018 (also called the Farm Act of 2018).

It is important to remember that while THCjd is in good legal standing with that particular bill, that each state has the right to make their own laws regarding these cannabinoids and their legality.

The following states have banned Delta 8 THC, and will likely not allow THCjd:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • Rhode Island
  • Utah


Will THCjd Show Up On a Drug Test?

THCjd is a homolog of Delta 9 THC, and will ultimately produce the same trace metabolite signature as Delta 9 THC, which will cause a positive for THC in most drug tests.

What are the risks of THCjd?

THCjd does not currently have any known risks, however it is important to note that this cannabinoid is very new, and research is still coming out about it. Should anything arise, we will update this blog promptly.

THCjd, much like THC, has a potential to have negative side effects, just as much as anything else in this world. If you experience negative reactions to most cannabinoids, THCjd will not likely be different for you. If you have had positive experiences with various THC homologs, THCjd will likely be a pleasant experience for you.

Only purchase THCjd that has been lab tested, and be aware that a lot of THCjd on the market is not true THCjd, as it is rather hard to produce. 

Is THCjd good in blends?

THCjd by itself is fine, but with blends, it really gets to stand out and use it’s power. Similarly to THCP, THCJD seems to prolong the effects of the buzz, and provides an additional boost to the mental euphoria. Try this in our THCJD gummies, or a THCjd Vape!

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